



Among many issues that sleep apnea can pose in and of itself, it can also lead to many unforeseen problems as well. One issue that your sleep apnea will most certainly cause, is waking up your partner throughout the night. Because your sleep apnea is causing restricted air flow through your trachea, a loud noise is being emitted from your mouth as your body continuously attempts to breath clearly. The result is the waking of your partner multiple times throughout the night while they attempt to enjoy their slumber. If you find that your partner is frequently pushing you to sleep on your side, or is waking you up to get you to stop snoring. You might want to consider beginning sleep apnea treatment.



If waking up your partner throughout the night is an issue you’re experiencing, then you’re certainly not sleeping through the night either. Snoring is loud enough to wake you up, and it typically ensues when you’ve gotten the most settled in during your slumber. It might also wake you because you’re not breathing correctly, which is simply dangerous to your health alone. If waking up your partner throughout the night is an issue you’re experiencing, then you’re certainly not sleeping through the night either. Snoring is loud enough to wake you up, and it typically ensues when you’ve gotten the most settled in during your slumber. It might also wake you because you’re not breathing correctly, which is simply dangerous to your health alone. So when turning over and sleeping on your side is no longer enough, you should consider what your sleep apnea treatment options are. Here at Rochester Sleep Solutions, we can fabricate an oral appliance that can be used to treat your sleep apnea or as a replacement therapy if you have tried and been unsuccessful in using a CPAP machine.



One of the biggest issues surrounding sleep apnea is the loss of quality sleep throughout the night. Not only is it an inconvenience to wake up multiple times every night, but it’s very unhealthy. Every night that you’re losing on sleep you’re also losing out on energy throughout the next day. This can cause problems in your health, putting you in bad moods and causing head aches. It can also translate into other issues such as low productivity at work, personal relationship problems due to mood swings, and other issues that lack of energy can cause. So what can you do to fix or prevent this? Here at Rochester Sleep Solutions we will find just the right thing to prevent further nuisance from snoring and sleep apnea with our custom made FDA approved oral appliances for snoring and sleep apnea therapy.

Rochester Sleep Solutions


Rochester Sleep Solutions is our dental sleep restoration center where we specialize in the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea disorders. We use oral appliances (similar to a sports mouth-guard) that assist in opening the airway to facilitate proper breathing during sleep. If you are unhappy with your CPAP device or are interested in first-time therapy, we may have a solution for you.

We have equipment that patients may use to do a sleep study in the comfort of their own home! All sleep studies are reviewed by a board certified physician. If you have previously had an overnight sleep center study, we can get your prior test results and advise if you are a candidate for dental sleep therapy.

Let us help you with your sleeping issues today! Contact us or fill out the form below to get started!

Many of our patient referrals are from spouses who want to help quiet their partner and get a good night’s sleep for both! If you feel you or someone you care about may have a snoring or sleep apnea disorder, please call us for a no-charge consultation with our dental sleep team. We will thoroughly evaluate your situation and give you an honest assessment. You are then ready to make an informed decision in selecting the most appropriate therapy.



Have you used a CPAP Device in the past? Did you struggle sleeping soundly while wearing your CPAP Device? Was your CPAP Device just uncomfortable to wear? We understand! Our Oral Appliance Therapy can help those who are looking for an alternative to a CPAP Device. Our Oral Appliances fits similarly to a sports mouthguard. It is a discreet and silent device that keeps the airway open during sleep by slightly moving the jaw forward. No more worrying about waking up your partner with aggressive snoring! Unlike CPAP Devices that can difficult to sleep with due to the mask and straps, our Oral Appliances are designed for comfort to make your sleep as peaceful as possible. CPAP machines also need to be plugged in which can be a pain when traveling. With our Oral Appliances, they do not need to be plugged in and can be conveniently packed for travel. So what do you have to lose? Give us a call today to get started!

Even if you struggle with snoring but you do not have sleep apnea, we can still help!

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